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Video Analysis

Underwater Technical Stroke Analysis

Our underwater video analysis consists of 3 different packages tailored to each and every individual, from beginner to advanced level.


We focus on key points in each stroke while capturing video footage from multiple angles, allowing us to enhance slow motion and stop action examinations. We identify individual stroke inefficiencies in order to promote a comprehensive overview with visual and written feedback in the video.


Every swimmer has their strengths and weaknesses in the water, by using our expertise with personalised underwater video analysis, we identify errors for detailed correction using video evidence. We offer personalised drills for the different strokes to help build your technique for a smoother and more efficient stroke form while swimming.


There is always room for improvement. 

Freestyle Analysis

Online Programs

Monthly Online Programs to achieve your goals

We offer online coaching with personalized training programs suited for beginners to advance level. 


Our programs are designed to assist your training ability and help improve your endurance in the pool. Some speed work is necessary. Everyone wants to go faster. 


We have monthly training packages ranging from 2 - 6 sessions a week, based on the mileage you need to cover for your personal goals. 


We have worked with many swimmers from all over, helping improve the need for speed as we love to move water. 


To order online programs, you will need access to your own swimming pool and commitment to our program. Some days they are tough, but swimmers are built strong.

Swimming Training

Open Water 

Open Water to Robben
Island Crossing and more

Have you ever considered Open Water swimming? Well, we got you. We offer training programs and guidance for open water swimming, providing you with the best suitable program to help you to achieve your personal goals. We know you like the bling, everybody loves a finisher medal. 


We have coached many swimmers from couch to Midmar Mile open water swims, as well as coached the more adventurous swimmers to successfully complete the Robben Island, Langebaan Express, False Bay and English Channel crossings. 


Triathletes can also benefit from our open water training programs. Our programs are designed to help you understand mileage and endurance needed for open water swimming. We train you to feel comfortable during your swims, so you can finish with a smile. 

Robben Island Swim
Big Bay Events
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